1: Nonadaptive Noise-Resilient Group Testing with Order-Optimal Tests and Fast-and-Reliable Decoding
2: Arboricity-Dependent Algorithms for Edge Coloring
3: Constant Query Local Decoding Against Deletions Is Impossible
4: Query Efficient Weighted Stochastic Matching
5: Gaussian Approximation of Convex Sets by Intersections of Halfspaces
6: Verification of a Rust Implementation of Knuth’s Dancing Links using ACL2
7: Color Fault-Tolerant Spanners
8: Counting Small Induced Subgraphs with Edge-monotone Properties
9: Analysis of sum-of-squares relaxations for the quantum rotor model
10: Semidefinite programs simulate approximate message passing robustly
11: New Graph Decompositions and Combinatorial Boolean Matrix Multiplication Algorithms
12: Prophet Inequalities Require Only a Constant Number of Samples
13: A Unified Approach to Learning Ising Models: Beyond Independence and Bounded Width
14: Local Computation Algorithms for Maximum Matching: New Lower Bounds
15: Banach-Tarski Embeddings and Transformers
16: Near-Optimal Streaming Ellipsoidal Rounding for General Convex Polytopes
17: Universally Optimal Information Dissemination and Shortest Paths in the HYBRID Distributed Model
18: A Dichotomy Hierarchy Characterizing Linear Time Subgraph Counting in Bounded Degeneracy Graphs
19: Eventually Lattice-Linear Algorithms
20: Fast multiplication by two’s complement addition of numbers represented as a set of polynomial radix 2 indexes, stored as an integer list for massively parallel computation
21: Ghost Value Augmentation for $k$-Edge-Connectivity
22: Realistic Runtime Analysis for Quantum Simplex Computation
23: The Change-of-Measure Method, Block Lewis Weights, and Approximating Matrix Block Norms
24: The Minimum Clique Routing Problem on Cycles
25: The NFA Acceptance Hypothesis: Non-Combinatorial and Dynamic Lower Bounds
26: Scalable Algorithms for Laplacian Pseudo-inverse Computation
27: Scalable Edge Clustering of Dynamic Graphs via Weighted Line Graphs
28: Fast algorithms for classical specifications of stabiliser states and Clifford gates
29: Invariant subspaces and PCA in nearly matrix multiplication time
30: (Quantum) complexity of testing signed graph clusterability
31: Parsing Millions of URLs per Second
32: Sparsity-Parameterised Dynamic Edge Colouring
33: $k$-Universality of Regular Languages
34: Optimal Embedding Dimension for Sparse Subspace Embeddings
35: Cactus Representations in Polylogarithmic Max-flow via Maximal Isolating Mincuts
36: A Whole New Ball Game: A Primal Accelerated Method for Matrix Games and Minimizing the Maximum of Smooth Functions
37: Faster Streaming and Scalable Algorithms for Finding Directed Dense Subgraphs in Large Graphs
38: Comparison among Classical, Probabilistic and Quantum Algorithms for Hamiltonian Cycle problem
39: Hierarchical Cut Labelling – Scaling Up Distance Queries on Road Networks
40: Pairwise sequence alignment with block and character edit operations
41: Testing Intersecting and Union-Closed Families
42: Dueling Optimization with a Monotone Adversary
43: Testing with Non-identically Distributed Samples
44: Online Makespan Minimization: Beat LPT by Dynamic Locking
45: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Minimizing the Total Weighted Completion Time of Coflows
46: Approximation Algorithms for Packing Cycles and Paths in Complete Graphs
47: Perfect Simulation of Las Vegas Algorithms via Local Computation
48: On the Congruency-Constrained Matroid Base
49: Universal Optimality of Dijkstra via Beyond-Worst-Case Heaps
50: A PTAS for Triangle-Free 2-Matching
51: Linear-time online visibility graph transformation algorithm: for both natural and horizontal visibility criteria
52: A General Technique for Searching in Implicit Sets via Function Inversion
53: Fair Polylog-Approximate Low-Cost Hierarchical Clustering