
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2023/12/15-21

1: Entropy Regularization and Faster Decremental Matching in General Graphs
2: Stability in Online Coalition Formation
3: Exact Algorithms and Lowerbounds for Multiagent Pathfinding: Power of Treelike Topology
4: Accelerating Spatio-Textual Queries with Learned Indices
5: Simple Weak Coresets for Non-Decomposable Classification Measures
6: On the instance optimality of detecting collisions and subgraphs
7: Secure and Accurate Summation of Many Floating-Point Numbers
8: Decomposing Hard SAT Instances with Metaheuristic Optimization
9: Improved Differentially Private and Lazy Online Convex Optimization
10: Classical Sorting Algorithms as a Model of Morphogenesis: self-sorting arrays reveal unexpected competencies in a minimal model of basal intelligence
11: Theoretical Aspects of Generating Instances with Unique Solutions: Pre-assignment Models for Unique Vertex Cover
12: Bisimplicial separators
13: Testing Self-Reducible Samplers
14: A survey on algorithms for Nash equilibria in finite normal-form games
15: Multicut Problems in Embedded Graphs: The Dependency of Complexity on the Demand Pattern
16: An Interleaving Distance for Ordered Merge Trees
17: On Computing Optimal Temporal Branchings and Spanning Subgraphs
18: When can you trust feature selection? – I: A condition-based analysis of LASSO and generalised hardness of approximation
19: Clustering Mixtures of Bounded Covariance Distributions Under Optimal Separation
20: Nearly Optimal Internal Dictionary Matching
21: On recognition algorithms and structure of graphs with restricted induced cycles
22: Unravelling Expressive Delegations: Complexity and Normative Analysis
23: FPT Approximation using Treewidth: Capacitated Vertex Cover, Target Set Selection and Vector Dominating Set
24: Distributed Binary Labeling Problems in High-Degree Graphs
25: A Huffman based short message service compression technique using adjacent distance array
26: A Faster Combinatorial Algorithm for Maximum Bipartite Matching
27: Bandit Sequential Posted Pricing via Half-Concavity
28: Join Sampling under Acyclic Degree Constraints and (Cyclic) Subgraph Sampling
29: Graph-Based Generalization of Galam Model: Convergence Time and Influential Nodes
30: Maximizing Matching Cuts
31: A faster FPRAS for #NFA
32: FLASH-TB: Integrating Arc-Flags and Trip-Based Public Transit Routing
33: $\mathcal{O}(\log\log{n})$ Passes is Optimal for Semi-Streaming Maximal Independent Set
34: Dimension-Accuracy Tradeoffs in Contrastive Embeddings for Triplets, Terminals & Top-k Nearest Neighbors
35: New Tools for Peak Memory Scheduling
36: The Fuse XORier Lookup Table: Exploration, Implementation, and Revision of Probabilistic Sets and Maps
37: Time Lower Bounds for the Metropolis Process and Simulated Annealing
38: Quantum Optimization Algorithms in Operations Research: Methods, Applications, and Implications
39: Theoretical analysis of git bisect
40: Counting Problems in Trees, with Applications to Fixed Points of Cellular Automata