1: Pack and Measure: An Effective Approach for Influence Propagation in Social Networks
2: Parallel Integer Sort: Theory and Practice
3: Approximating Single-Source Personalized PageRank with Absolute Error Guarantees
4: A Nearly Linear Time Construction of Approximate Single-Source Distance Sensitivity Oracles
5: Further Explanations on “SAT Requires Exhaustive Search”
6: On the uniqueness and computation of commuting extensions
7: A Knowledge Compilation Map for Quantum Information
8: Scalable network reconstruction in subquadratic time
9: Minimizing the Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs is W[1]-hard
10: On the hardness of learning under symmetries
11: Enumerating m-Length Walks in Directed Graphs with Constant Delay
12: Proven Distributed Memory Parallelization of Particle Methods
13: Faster optimal univariate microgaggregation
14: A Quasi-Monte Carlo Data Structure for Smooth Kernel Evaluations
15: Algorithms for Computing Closest Points for Segments
16: Technical Report: Modeling Average False Positive Rates of Recycling Bloom Filters
17: Slide FFT on a homogeneous mesh in wafer-scale computing
18: Dimensionality Reduced Clustered Data and Order Partition and Stepwise Dimensionality Increasing Indices
19: Approximation Algorithms for the Weighted Nash Social Welfare via Convex and Non-Convex Programs
20: Size Minimization For Multi-Output AND-Functions