
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2024/1/22-28

1: Optimization in Sanger Sequencing
2: Tight Bounds on the Message Complexity of Distributed Tree Verification
3: Quantum Eigensolver for General Matrices
4: Mini-batch Submodular Maximization
5: Robust Popular Matchings
6: Computing Diameter+2 in Truly Subquadratic Time for Unit-Disk Graphs
7: Data Exchange Markets via Utility Balancing
8: Shortcutting Cross-Validation: Efficiently Deriving Column-Wise Centered and Scaled Training Set $\mathbf{X}^\mathbf{T}\mathbf{X}$ and $\mathbf{X}^\mathbf{T}\mathbf{Y}$ Without Full Recomputation of Matrix Products or Statistical Moments
9: Minimal spanning arborescence
10: Faster Combinatorial k-Clique Algorithms
11: Searching in trees with monotonic query times
12: New Sequence-Independent Lifting Techniques for Cutting Planes and When They Induce Facets
13: Separating $k$-Median from the Supplier Version
14: Edge-coloring sparse graphs with $\Delta$ colors in quasilinear time
15: Tight Competitive and Variance Analyses of Matching Policies in Gig Platforms
16: On Sparse Covers of Minor Free Graphs, Low Dimensional Metric Embeddings, and other applications
17: libcdict: fast dictionaries in C
18: An Instance-Based Approach to the Trace Reconstruction Problem
19: Maximizing the Minimum Eigenvalue in Constant Dimension
20: Construction of orientable sequences in $O(1)$-amortized time per bit
21: O(1) Insertion for Random Walk d-ary Cuckoo Hashing up to the Load Threshold
22: Omnipredictors for Regression and the Approximate Rank of Convex Functions
23: Keeping the Harmony Between Neighbors: Local Fairness in Graph Fair Division
24: Online Bin Covering with Frequency Predictions
25: Randomized query composition and product distributions
26: Fair and Efficient Ridesharing: A Dynamic Programming-based Relocation Approach
27: Dynamic Maximal Matching in Clique Networks
28: A probabilistic analysis on general probabilistic scheduling problems