
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2024/2/01-07

1: Error-Tolerant E-Discovery Protocols
2: On the Constant-Depth Circuit Complexity of Generating Quasigroups
3: Decomposable Submodular Maximization in Federated Setting
4: Towards a Unified Theory of Time-Varying Data
5: Not All Learnable Distribution Classes are Privately Learnable
6: Online Distribution Learning with Local Private Constraints
7: Revising Apetrei’s bounding volume hierarchy construction algorithm to allow stackless traversal
8: The En Route Truck-Drone Delivery Problem
9: Approximating maximum-size properly colored forests
10: Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Window Filters
11: Simulation of Graph Algorithms with Looped Transformers
12: Query-Efficient Correlation Clustering with Noisy Oracle
13: Simple Symmetric Sustainable Sorting – the greeNsort article
14: A Note On Lookahead In Real Life And Computing
15: Big data applications on small quantum computers
16: Pairwise Rearrangement is Fixed-Parameter Tractable in the Single Cut-and-Join Model
17: Parsimonious Learning-Augmented Approximations for Dense Instances of $\mathcal{NP}$-hard Problems
18: Handling Delayed Feedback in Distributed Online Optimization : A Projection-Free Approach
19: Query-decision Regression between Shortest Path and Minimum Steiner Tree
20: Budget-feasible Egalitarian Allocation of Conflicting Jobs
21: Accelerating Matroid Optimization through Fast Imprecise Oracles
22: Independent set reconfiguration in H-free graphs
23: A Note on Rounding Matchings in General Graphs
24: Optimal and Near-Optimal Adaptive Vector Quantization
25: Freeze-Tag in $L_1$ has Wake-up Time Five
26: Algorithms and Complexity of Difference Logic
27: Median and Small Parsimony Problems on RNA trees
28: Sampling List Packings
29: An Effective Branch-and-Bound Algorithm with New Bounding Methods for the Maximum $s$-Bundle Problem
30: Succinct Data Structure for Chordal Graphs with Bounded Vertex Leafage
31: Global certification via perfect hashing
32: Provably learning a multi-head attention layer
33: Reductive Quantum Phase Estimation
34: The Fine-Grained Complexity of Gradient Computation for Training Large Language Models
35: Strongly Polynomial Frame Scaling to High Precision