
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2024/3/01-07

1: Total Completion Time Scheduling Under Scenarios
2: Higher-Order Networks Representation and Learning: A Survey
3: Statistical Estimation in the Spiked Tensor Model via the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
4: Average-Case Local Computation Algorithms
5: Analysis of Phylogeny Tracking Algorithms for Serial and Multiprocess Applications
6: Algorithms for Efficient, Compact Online Data Stream Curation
7: qPMS Sigma – An Efficient and Exact Parallel Algorithm for the Planted $(l, d)$ Motif Search Problem
8: Polyamorous Scheduling
9: Approximating the Geometric Knapsack Problem in Near-Linear Time and Dynamically
10: Specifying and Verifying the Convergence Stairs of the Collatz Program
11: Undercomplete Decomposition of Symmetric Tensors in Linear Time, and Smoothed Analysis of the Condition Number
12: Scalable Learning of Item Response Theory Models
13: The Probability to Hit Every Bin with a Linear Number of Balls
14: A Strongly Subcubic Combinatorial Algorithm for Triangle Detection with Applications
15: Euclidean distance compression via deep random features
16: Approximations and Hardness of Packing Partially Ordered Items
17: K-stars LDP: A Novel Framework for (p, q)-clique Enumeration under Local Differential Privacy
18: Unleashing Graph Partitioning for Large-Scale Nearest Neighbor Search
19: Fully Polynomial-time Algorithms Parameterized by Vertex Integrity Using Fast Matrix Multiplication
20: The Canadian Traveller Problem on outerplanar graphs
21: Random Generation of Git Graphs
22: Towards Deterministic Algorithms for Constant-Depth Factors of Constant-Depth Circuits
23: How to Find Long Maximal Exact Matches and Ignore Short Ones
24: Matching Algorithms in the Sparse Stochastic Block Model
25: Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Advice
26: Statistical Query Lower Bounds for Learning Truncated Gaussians
27: Contract Design for Pandora’s Box
28: On Approximate Fully-Dynamic Matching and Online Matrix-Vector Multiplication
29: Algorithms for Galois Words: Detection, Factorization, and Rotation
30: DGAP: Efficient Dynamic Graph Analysis on Persistent Memory
31: A Note on High-Probability Analysis of Algorithms with Exponential, Sub-Gaussian, and General Light Tails
32: Hamiltonian Property Testing
33: Space Complexity of Euclidean Clustering
34: Cover Edge-Based Novel Triangle Counting
35: The Exchange Problem
36: Maintaining Light Spanners via Minimal Updates
37: Fine-Grained Privacy Guarantees for Coverage Problems
38: Double Exponential Lower Bound for Telephone Broadcast
39: Graph Visualization for Blockchain Data
40: Largest common subgraph of two forests
41: In the Search of Optimal Tree Networks: Hardness and Heuristics
42: Parameterized Algorithms for Balanced Cluster Edge Modification Problems
43: Black-Box $k$-to-$1$-PCA Reductions: Theory and Applications
44: On HTLC-Based Protocols for Multi-Party Cross-Chain Swaps
45: On Outer Bi-Lipschitz Extensions of Linear Johnson-Lindenstrauss Embeddings of Subsets of $\mathbb{R}^N$
46: A Sierpinski Triangle Data Structure for Efficient Array Value Update and Prefix Sum Calculation
47: Optimal Scheduling of Graph States via Path Decompositions
48: Equivalence Testing: The Power of Bounded Adaptivity
49: Switching Classes: Characterization and Computation
50: Conflict and Fairness in Resource Allocation
51: A Simple and Near-Optimal Algorithm for Directed Expander Decompositions