1: Induced Subforests and Superforests
2: Differentially Private Ad Conversion Measurement
3: Universal Harmonic Sketching over Turnstile Streams
4: Approximation Algorithms for Network Design in Non-Uniform Fault Models
5: Approximation Algorithms for School Assignment: Group Fairness and Multi-criteria Optimization
6: Distance Adjustment of a Graph Drawing Stress Model
7: On the complexity and approximability of Bounded access Lempel Ziv coding
8: SAT Encoding of Partial Ordering Models for Graph Coloring Problems
9: Convolution and Knapsack in Higher Dimensions
10: On contention resolution for the hypergraph matching, knapsack, and $k$-column sparse packing problems
11: Maximum Polygon Packing: The CG:SHOP Challenge 2024
12: Hashing geographical point data using the space-filling H-curve
13: A Novel exact algorithm for economic lot-sizing with piecewise linear production costs
14: Optimization on a Finer Scale: Bounded Local Subgradient Variation Perspective
15: Algorithms and data structures for numerical computations with automatic precision estimation
16: Adaptive Frequency Bin Interval in FFT via Dense Sampling Factor $\alpha$
17: High-Temperature Gibbs States are Unentangled and Efficiently Preparable
18: Minimum-cost paths for electric cars
19: Capacity Provisioning Motivated Online Non-Convex Optimization Problem with Memory and Switching Cost
20: Parameterized Analysis of Bribery in Challenge the Champ Tournaments
21: Generalising the maximum independent set algorithm via Boolean networks
22: How Private are DP-SGD Implementations?
23: Counting Stars is Constant-Degree Optimal For Detecting Any Planted Subgraph
24: Online Submodular Welfare Maximization Meets Post-Allocation Stochasticity and Reusability
25: Minimum sum vertex cover: kernelization and parameterized algorithms
26: Realizing temporal transportation trees
27: JumpBackHash: Say Goodbye to the Modulo Operation to Distribute Keys Uniformly to Buckets
28: New Graph and Hypergraph Container Lemmas with Applications in Property Testing
29: Hypergraph Unreliability in Quasi-Polynomial Time
30: On the Communication Complexity of Approximate Pattern Matching
31: A Faster Algorithm for Pigeonhole Equal Sums
32: Improving the Bit Complexity of Communication for Distributed Convex Optimization
33: Random Multi-Type Spanning Forests for Synchronization on Sparse Graphs
34: Hardness of Learning Boolean Functions from Label Proportions