
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2024/3/29-31

1: Quantum Realization of the Finite Element Method
2: Finding Decision Tree Splits in Streaming and Massively Parallel Models
3: Algorithmic strategies for finding the best TSP 2-OPT move in average sub-quadratic time
4: Computing a Fixed Point of Contraction Maps in Polynomial Queries
5: A Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Sorting Signed Permutations by Reversals
6: A Skip-based Algorithm for Weighted Reservoir Random Sampling with Replacement
7: A New Information Complexity Measure for Multi-pass Streaming with Applications
8: Optimal Communication for Classic Functions in the Coordinator Model and Beyond
9: Shaving Logs via Large Sieve Inequality: Faster Algorithms for Sparse Convolution and More
10: Engineering A Workload-balanced Push-Relabel Algorithm for Massive Graphs on GPUs
11: Circular-arc graphs and the Helly property
12: Prophet Inequalities with Cancellation Costs
13: Super Non-singular Decompositions of Polynomials and their Application to Robustly Learning Low-degree PTFs
14: Improved approximation ratio for covering pliable set families
15: Block-Diagonal Guided DBSCAN Clustering