
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2024/4/01-07

1: Adversarially-Robust Inference on Trees via Belief Propagation
2: On the Complexity of Minimizing Energy Consumption of Partitioning DAG Tasks
3: Nearly-tight Approximation Guarantees for the Improving Multi-Armed Bandits Problem
4: Deterministic Search on Complete Bipartite Graphs by Continuous Time Quantum Walk
5: Settling Time vs. Accuracy Tradeoffs for Clustering Big Data
6: A faster algorithm for the construction of optimal factoring automata
7: Learning Intersections of Halfspaces with Distribution Shift: Improved Algorithms and SQ Lower Bounds
8: A simple lower bound for the complexity of estimating partition functions on a quantum computer
9: Degree Sequence Optimization and Extremal Degree Enumerators
10: History Trees and Their Applications
11: Forming Large Patterns with Local Robots in the OBLOT Model
12: Minimizing the Number of Tardy Jobs and Maximal Tardiness on a Single Machine is NP-hard
13: On computing approximate Lewis weights
14: Lower bounds for graph reconstruction with maximal independent set queries
15: A Unified Algorithmic Framework for Dynamic Assortment Optimization under MNL Choice
16: Amortized Analysis via Coalgebra
17: Sensitivity, Proximity and FPT Algorithms for Exact Matroid Problems
18: The Maximum Clique Problem in a Disk Graph Made Easy
19: Exploration is Harder than Prediction: Cryptographically Separating Reinforcement Learning from Supervised Learning
20: Asymptotic optimality of dynamic first-fit packing on the half-axis
21: Additive approximation algorithm for geodesic centers in $\delta$-hyperbolic graphs
22: The Low-Degree Hardness of Finding Large Independent Sets in Sparse Random Hypergraphs
23: Optimal quantile estimation: beyond the comparison model
24: The ESPRIT algorithm under high noise: Optimal error scaling and noisy super-resolution
25: Minor Containment and Disjoint Paths in almost-linear time
26: Stability in Graphs with Matroid Constraints
27: An Objective Improvement Approach to Solving Discounted Payoff Games
28: Hardness of circuit and monotone diameters of polytopes
29: A Fine-grained Classification of Subquadratic Patterns for Subgraph Listing and Friends
30: Quantum Speedup for Some Geometric 3SUM-Hard Problems and Beyond
31: Fast and Simple Sorting Using Partial Information
32: Using Single-Neuron Representations for Hierarchical Concepts as Abstractions of Multi-Neuron Representations
33: Spectral Independence Beyond Total Influence on Trees and Related Graphs
34: Aleph Filter: To Infinity in Constant Time
35: Faster Algorithms for Fair Max-Min Diversification in $\mathbb{R}^d$
36: Approximating Unrelated Machine Weighted Completion Time Using Iterative Rounding and Computer Assisted Proofs
37: Range Longest Increasing Subsequence and its Relatives: Beating Quadratic Barrier and Approaching Optimality