1: Structure learning of Hamiltonians from real-time evolution
2: Finding Diverse Strings and Longest Common Subsequences in a Graph
3: Improved Massively Parallel Triangle Counting in $O(1)$ Rounds
4: Differentially Private Release of Israel’s National Registry of Live Births
5: Metric geometry of the privacy-utility tradeoff
6: Subquadratic Submodular Maximization with a General Matroid Constraint
7: Improved linearly ordered colorings of hypergraphs via SDP rounding
8: Clique-free t-matchings in degree-bounded graphs
9: DiaQ: Efficient State-Vector Quantum Simulation
10: Nearly Optimal List Labeling
11: ReeSPOT: Reeb Graph Models Semantic Patterns of Normalcy in Human Trajectories
12: Approximation Schemes for Orienteering and Deadline TSP in Doubling Metrics
13: Teaching Algorithm Design: A Literature Review
14: New bounds on the cohesion of complete-link and other linkage methods for agglomeration clustering
15: Non-clairvoyant Scheduling with Partial Predictions
16: Sensitivity Sampling for $k$-Means: Worst Case and Stability Optimal Coreset Bounds
17: Metric Dimension and Geodetic Set Parameterized by Vertex Cover
18: In-and-Out: Algorithmic Diffusion for Sampling Convex Bodies
19: New Tools for Smoothed Analysis: Least Singular Value Bounds for Random Matrices with Dependent Entries
20: On Smale’s 17th problem over the reals
21: Combining Crown Structures for Vulnerability Measures
22: Improved All-Pairs Approximate Shortest Paths in Congested Clique
23: An FPT Algorithm for the Exact Matching Problem and NP-hardness of Related Problems
24: TSP Escapes the $O(2^n n^2)$ Curse
25: Approximate Realizations for Outerplanaric Degree Sequences
26: Distributed Model Checking on Graphs of Bounded Treedepth
27: Fast Approximate Determinants Using Rational Functions
28: Accurate and Fast Approximate Graph Pattern Mining at Scale
29: Content-Oblivious Leader Election on Rings
30: Competitive strategies to use “warm start” algorithms with predictions
31: Monotone Randomized Apportionment
32: Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree: A 1.79 Approximation
33: Finding Most Shattering Minimum Vertex Cuts of Polylogarithmic Size in Near-Linear Time
34: Querying in Constant Expected Time with Learned Indexes
35: Finding perfect matchings in bridgeless cubic multigraphs without dynamic (2-)connectivity
36: Deterministic Expander Routing: Faster and More Versatile
37: Metric Distortion of Line-up Elections: The Right Person for the Right Job
38: Minimizing the Minimizers via Alphabet Reordering
39: QR factorization of ill-conditioned tall-and-skinny matrices on distributed-memory systems
40: Graph Reconstruction from Noisy Random Subgraphs