1: Fully Dynamic Strongly Connected Components in Planar Digraphs
2: Scheduling two types of jobs with minimum makespan
3: Scalable Temporal Motif Densest Subnetwork Discovery
4: String Partition for Building Long BWTs
5: Solving Co-Path/Cycle Packing and Co-Path Packing Faster Than $3^k$
6: Perturbation-Resilient Trades for Dynamic Service Balancing
7: Almost Linear Size Edit Distance Sketch
8: Quantum Property Testing Algorithm for the Concatenation of Two Palindromes Language
9: Improved Algorithms for Contextual Dynamic Pricing
10: Approximation Algorithms for Smallest Intersecting Balls
11: Diagram Control and Model Order for Sugiyama Layouts
12: Treewidth Inapproximability and Tight ETH Lower Bound
13: Making Old Things New: A Unified Algorithm for Differentially Private Clustering
14: Tight Streaming Lower Bounds for Deterministic Approximate Counting
15: Implementation Of Dynamic De Bruijn Graphs Via Learned Index
16: Biased Pareto Optimization for Subset Selection with Dynamic Cost Constraints
17: Variational ground-state quantum adiabatic theorem
18: Parameterized Shortest Path Reconfiguration
19: Massively Parallel Ruling Set Made Deterministic
20: Sample-Based Matroid Prophet Inequalities
21: Randomized Greedy Online Edge Coloring Succeeds for Dense and Randomly-Ordered Graphs
22: Tight Lower Bounds for Directed Cut Sparsification and Distributed Min-Cut
23: Tensor Decompositions and Adiabatic Quantum Computing for Discovering Practical Matrix Multiplication Algorithms
24: satsuma: Structure-based Symmetry Breaking in SAT
25: Improved Bounds for Fully Dynamic Matching via Ordered Ruzsa-Szemeredi Graphs
26: Breaking the $T^{2/3}$ Barrier for Sequential Calibration
27: A Catalyst Framework for the Quantum Linear System Problem via the Proximal Point Algorithm
28: Barter Exchange with Shared Item Valuations
29: Expander Hierarchies for Normalized Cuts on Graphs
30: Efficient Deterministic Algorithms for Maximizing Symmetric Submodular Functions
31: Promise of Graph Sparsification and Decomposition for Noise Reduction in QAOA: Analysis for Trapped-Ion Compilations
32: Low-Step Multi-Commodity Flow Emulators
33: Proceedings of the 13th edition of the conference on Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures. Polyominoes and Tilings
34: Calculation of the Comparative Efficiency of Algorithms Using a Single Metric
35: Communication-efficient Vertical Federated Learning via Compressed Error Feedback
36: Online Matching and Contention Resolution for Edge Arrivals with Vanishing Probabilities
37: NP-Completeness of the Combinatorial Distance Matrix Realisation Problem
38: Colorful Priority $k$-Supplier
39: Space-efficient SLP Encoding for $O(\log N)$-time Random Access
40: Minimum+1 Steiner Cuts and Dual Edge Sensitivity Oracle: Bridging the Gap between Global cut and (s,t)-cut
41: Supermodular Approximation of Norms and Applications
42: Setting Targets is All You Need:Improved Order Competitive Ratio for Online Selection