
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2024/7/08-14

1: Hamming Distance Oracle
2: Polynomial Time Algorithms for Integer Programming and Unbounded Subset Sum in the Total Regime
3: On the Complexity of Learning Sparse Functions with Statistical and Gradient Queries
4: Fractional Budget Allocation for Influence Maximization under General Marketing Strategies
5: Stochastic Traveling Salesperson Problem with Neighborhoods for Object Detection
6: A Lossless Deamortization for Dynamic Greedy Set Cover
7: Tight bounds for stream decodable error-correcting codes
8: Algorithmic aspects of semistability of quiver representations
9: From Graph Properties to Graph Parameters: Tight Bounds for Counting on Small Subgraphs
10: Efficient Stochastic Routing in Path-Centric Uncertain Road Networks – Extended Version
11: Differentially Private Multiway and $k$-Cut
12: Optimal Neighborhood Exploration for Dynamic Independent Sets
13: A Simple, Nearly-Optimal Algorithm for Differentially Private All-Pairs Shortest Distances
14: Counting Small Induced Subgraphs: Hardness via Fourier Analysis
15: An efficient implementation for solving the all pairs minimax path problem in an undirected dense graph
16: Differential privacy and Sublinear time are incompatible sometimes
17: Random Reed-Solomon Codes Achieve the Half-Singleton Bound for Insertions and Deletions over Linear-Sized Alphabets
18: A New Approach for Approximating Directed Rooted Networks
19: On Sampling from Ising Models with Spectral Constraints
20: APTAS for bin packing with general cost structures
21: Fast Approximation Algorithms for Euclidean Minimum Weight Perfect Matching
22: Ramsey Theorems for Trees and a General ‘Private Learning Implies Online Learning’ Theorem
23: Revisiting the Folklore Algorithm for Random Access to Grammar-Compressed Strings
24: Hybrid k-Clustering: Blending k-Median and k-Center
25: Improved online load balancing with known makespan
26: Improved FPT Approximation for Non-metric TSP
27: A Note on the Conditional Optimality of Chiba and Nishizeki’s Algorithms