
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2024/9/22-28

1: Fast Local Search Strategies for Large-Scale General Quadratic Integer Programming
2: A Polynomial Kernel for Deletion to the Scattered Class of Cliques and Trees
3: Extending the Extension: Deterministic Algorithm for Non-monotone Submodular Maximization
4: A High-Performance External Validity Index for Clustering with a Large Number of Clusters
5: Computing String Covers in Sublinear Time
6: Substring Compression Variations and LZ78-Derivates
7: Fast and Small Subsampled R-indexes
8: Gabow’s Cardinality Matching Algorithm in General Graphs: Implementation and Experiments
9: Bounded indegree $k$-forests problem and a faster algorithm for directed graph augmentation
10: Reducing concept lattices by means of a weaker notion of congruence
11: Impact of local congruences in variable selection from datasets
12: Dynamic Pricing Algorithms for Online Set Cover
13: Fast and Accurate Triangle Counting in Graph Streams Using Predictions
14: Renaming in distributed certification
15: FRSZ2 for In-Register Block Compression Inside GMRES on GPUs
16: A Near-Optimal Low-Energy Deterministic Distributed SSSP with Ramifications on Congestion and APSP
17: Parallel Dynamic Maximal Matching
18: Non-Boolean OMv: One More Reason to Believe Lower Bounds for Dynamic Problems
19: Stochastic Minimum Spanning Trees with a Single Sample
20: A Strong Separation for Adversarially Robust $\ell_0$ Estimation for Linear Sketches
21: A Simple Distributed Algorithm for Sparse Fractional Covering and Packing Problems
22: Extending Stable and Popular Matching Algorithms from Bipartite to Arbitrary Instances
23: On the tractability and approximability of non-submodular cardinality-based $s$-$t$ cut problems in hypergraphs
24: Low-degree Security of the Planted Random Subgraph Problem
25: Succinct Data Structures for Baxter Permutation and Related Families
26: Cycle Counting under Local Differential Privacy for Degeneracy-bounded Graphs
27: Investigations on Algorithm Selection for Interval-Based Coding Methods
28: Kernelization Complexity of Solution Discovery Problems
29: Dynamic direct access of MSO query evaluation over strings
30: Results of the Big ANN: NeurIPS’23 competition
31: Derandomizing Multi-Distribution Learning
32: Fully Dynamic Graph Algorithms with Edge Differential Privacy
33: Optimal Sensitivity Oracle for Steiner Mincut
34: Asymptotically Optimal Hardness for $k$-Set Packing and $k$-Matroid Intersection
35: Rotation distance using flows
36: Optimal Dynamic Parameterized Subset Sampling
37: Efficient Top-k s-Biplexes Search over Large Bipartite Graphs
38: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Relational Clustering
39: Revisiting Weighted Information Extraction: A Simpler and Faster Algorithm for Ranked Enumeration
40: Toward Greener Matrix Operations by Lossless Compressed Formats
41: Split-or-decompose: Improved FPT branching algorithms for maximum agreement forests
42: Temporal queries for dynamic temporal forests
43: An $11/6$-Approximation Algorithm for Vertex Cover on String Graphs
44: Algorithms and complexity for monitoring edge-geodetic sets in graphs
45: A Characterization of List Regression
46: Symmetry Preservation in Swarms of Oblivious Robots with Limited Visibility
47: Fast Approximate Counting of Cycles