1: Vizing’s Theorem in Near-Linear Time
2: Positive bias makes tensor-network contraction tractable
3: LevAttention: Time, Space, and Streaming Efficient Algorithm for Heavy Attentions
4: Information Design with Unknown Prior
5: Log-concave Sampling over a Convex Body with a Barrier: a Robust and Unified Dikin Walk
6: Extended convexity and smoothness and their applications in deep learning
7: Mini-Batch Kernel $k$-means
8: Weighted Embeddings for Low-Dimensional Graph Representation
9: Smoothed analysis for graph isomorphism
10: Faster Algorithms for Graph Monopolarity
11: Losing Treewidth In The Presence Of Weights
12: Provable Accuracy Bounds for Hybrid Dynamical Optimization and Sampling
13: Leaf Stripping on Uniform Attachment Trees
14: A Decomposition Approach to the Weighted $k$-server Problem
15: A short note about the learning-augmented secretary problem
16: An Optimal Algorithm for the Stacker Crane Problem on Fixed Topologies
17: A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Steiner Tree when Terminals Avoid a $K_4$-Minor
18: Near-Optimal-Time Quantum Algorithms for Approximate Pattern Matching
19: Faster and Simpler Online Computation of String Net Frequency
20: On Wagner’s k-Tree Algorithm Over Integers
21: Online Matching Meets Sampling Without Replacement
22: Rapid Computation of the Assembly Index of Molecular Graphs
23: Static Pricing for Online Selection Problem and its Variants
24: On Densest $k$-Subgraph Mining and Diagonal Loading
25: Skip Hash: A Fast Ordered Map Via Software Transactional Memory
26: Strategic Facility Location via Predictions
27: Adaptive Batch Size for Privately Finding Second-Order Stationary Points
28: Packed Acyclic Deterministic Finite Automata
29: Computational Complexities of Folding
30: Partitioning Trillion Edge Graphs on Edge Devices
31: Parks and Recreation: Color Fault-Tolerant Spanners Made Local
32: QCircuitNet: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Dataset for Quantum Algorithm Design
33: Single-copy stabilizer testing
34: Subsequence Matching and Analysis Problems for Formal Languages
35: Simple Length-Constrained Minimum Spanning Trees
36: Parameterized Spanning Tree Congestion
37: Subgraph Counting in Subquadratic Time for Bounded Degeneracy Graphs
38: A Simple yet Exact Analysis of the MultiQueue
39: Grand-children weight-balanced binary search trees
40: Utilizing ChatGPT in a Data Structures and Algorithms Course: A Teaching Assistant’s Perspective
41: On The MCMC Performance In Bernoulli Group Testing And The Random Max Set-Cover Problem
42: Relative-error monotonicity testing
43: The 2020 United States Decennial Census Is More Private Than You (Might) Think
44: Combinatorial optimization of the coefficient of determination
45: Simultaneously Approximating All Norms for Massively Parallel Correlation Clustering
46: Computational complexity of the recoverable robust shortest path problem in acyclic digraphs
47: Greediness is not always a vice: Efficient Discovery Algorithms for Assignment Problems
48: Replicable Uniformity Testing
49: Many Flavors of Edit Distance
50: Towards a Parameterized Approximation Dichotomy of MinCSP for Linear Equations over Finite Commutative Rings
51: A Fully-dynamic Approximation Algorithm for Maximum Weight b-Matchings in Graphs
52: Palindromes Compression and Retrieval
53: Tight Bounds and Phase Transitions for Incremental and Dynamic Retrieval
54: Swift: High-Performance Sparse Tensor Contraction for Scientific Applications
55: Learning Linear Attention in Polynomial Time
56: Differentially Private Selection using Smooth Sensitivity
57: Bounding $\varepsilon$-scatter dimension via metric sparsity
58: Quasilinear-time eccentricities computation, and more, on median graphs
59: Routing on Sparse Graphs with Non-metric Costs for the Prize-collecting Travelling Salesperson Problem
60: From Donkeys to Kings in Tournaments
61: Stochastic Rounding 2.0, with a View towards Complexity Analysis
62: Regularized Robustly Reliable Learners and Instance Targeted Attacks