
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2024/10/29-31

1: SoS Certifiability of Subgaussian Distributions and its Algorithmic Applications
2: Sample-Optimal Quantum Estimators for Pure-State Trace Distance and Fidelity via Samplizer
3: Analysis of Different Algorithmic Design Techniques for Seam Carving
4: Online Weighted Paging with Unknown Weights
5: Deterministic complexity analysis of Hermitian eigenproblems
6: Maximum Partial List H-Coloring on P_5-free graphs in polynomial time
7: Learning the structure of any Hamiltonian from minimal assumptions
8: Improved Spectral Density Estimation via Explicit and Implicit Deflation
9: Edge Arrival Online Matching: The Power of Free Disposal on Acyclic Graphs
10: Classical Algorithms for Constant Approximation of the Ground State Energy of Local Hamiltonians
11: On Eigenvector Approximation of Diagonalizable Random Matrices with Random Perturbations: Properties and Applications
12: Random zero sets with local growth guarantees
13: Beating Bellman’s Algorithm for Subset Sum
14: Sumsets, 3SUM, Subset Sum: Now for Real!
15: Ideal Membership Problem for Boolean Minority and Dual Discriminator
16: Faster two-dimensional pattern matching with $k$ mismatches
17: Testing Identity of Distributions under Kolmogorov Distance in Polylogarithmic Space
18: A note on polynomial-time tolerant testing stabilizer states
19: I/O complexity and pebble games with partial computations
20: Approximately Counting Knapsack Solutions in Subquadratic Time
21: Faster Algorithms for Average-Case Orthogonal Vectors and Closest Pair Problems
22: Vertical Federated Learning with Missing Features During Training and Inference
23: Uniform Sampling of Negative Edge Weights in Shortest Path Networks
24: Erd\H{o}s-Gy'arf'as conjecture on graphs without long induced paths
25: Data subsampling for Poisson regression with pth-root-link
26: Sampling and counting triangle-free graphs near the critical density
27: Dynamic Matching with Post-allocation Service and its Application to Refugee Resettlement
28: The Days On Days Off Scheduling Problem
29: An Algorithm for a Modification of the Shortest Common Superstring Problem
30: Statistical-Computational Trade-offs for Density Estimation
31: Deterministic counting from coupling independence
32: Generalized Short Path Algorithms: Towards Super-Quadratic Speedup over Markov Chain Search for Combinatorial Optimization
33: Breaking the Bellman-Ford Shortest-Path Bound
34: An algebraic interpretation of Pauli flow, leading to faster flow-finding algorithms
35: Coach Reservation for Groups Requests
36: All-Hops Shortest Paths
37: Anytime-Constrained Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
38: Lightweight Near-Additive Spanners
39: Feedback Vertex Set for pseudo-disk graphs in subexponential FPT time
40: Robust Sparse Regression with Non-Isotropic Designs
41: Interactive proofs for verifying (quantum) learning and testing